Consistently being the top 1% of Intero Real Estate and recently becoming one of the top ten husband and wife Real Estate team's in the United States. Eric and Janelle continue to grow their client focused business. By embracing new technologies and focusing on methods to better serve their clients Eric and Janelle continue to earn the business of top executives throughout the Silicon Valley.
Boyenga Team / Compass / Property Nerds
16268 Los Gatos Blvd. Los Gatos 95032
408.373.1660 / 650.397.1370
01254724 / 01254725
We have an in-depth understanding of the Santa Clara real estate market and Silicon Valley overall. We go beyond traditional realtor scopes and evaluate the value of your home, including those special aspects of living somewhere warm and beautiful.
When you're looking to choose a place to settle, make sure it is in the Silicon Valley.
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